Gottes Wort

Travel through Germany with us as we four Canadians share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Check out our website Gottes Wort für heute ( It provides Devotions, Bible Studies, short Audio sermons, Q & A, and a variety of help in the German. Can't speak German? Use "Google Translate".

Monday, March 3, 2014

What happened?

My goodness! What happened?

It's been so long since I've posted here. Some of you may be wondering if we've done anything since the last posting ...

Well, it's been busy! Nicely busy! Very busy! Productively busy!

There have been trips to Germany and several to Cuba as well.

It's just, well, that I forgot to post here. Oh my. That's going to change.

Right now, I'm in the process of updating the whole Gottes Wort für heute  website. We've been adding lots of new material. As well, we started Gottes Wort Facebook and have been adding stuff there as well.

So, what's next. The men, Detlef and Andy (Wolfgang) are heading to Germany in April/May. They are in the process of arranging their itinerary and it's sounding exciting. I'll try to post here what they're doing ... but do follow along on the Facebook page as well.

OK, back to working on the website ... when you check it out, you'll see that there's a whole new look to it.
